Dan is a product designer graduating in product design engineering from Liverpool John Moores University in June 2017. After taking part in the ‘IDEALAB’ incubator internship at Sensor city, Dan secured grant funding on a waste management project as part of an Our Bright Future programme, The Environment Now. During this time Dan created a company to access further business support through LCR 4.0, used the grant funding to design and engineer his evolving solution to domestic waste management, WAE and was invited to display his work at One Year In, New Designers 2018.
Over this time Dan also started working for Nova as a product design engineer, where he is involved throughout the design process from understanding users problems and needs to producing conceptual designs and collaborating with designers and the engineering team to build prototypes that can be tested with real life users. Dan has been involved in projects from finding solutions for monitoring heart and lung sounds of complex children to building a solution to monitoring hand hygiene compliance in hospitals.